Nutrition and Herbal Resources Body Balancer

RECOVERY with traditional herbal medicine is the oldest in the world and is still used in many countries, including China and India. Herbal medicine works by helping the body heal itself.

Herbs are a source of nutrition and alternative medicine to menutrisi basic elements of the body. Herbal medicines have long been used safely and effectively for various purposes, ranging from health care, healing, reduce / increase / maintain weight gain to help humans survive. Herbal nutrition helps offer are not met, either due to poor diet or a lack of content because the influence of ground and air content. Herbs are balancing the body that can help regulate body functions.

A herbal practitioners usually do not just prescribe herbal but also suggest that you change your diet and lifestyle and reducing stress. This aims to prevent and treat disease.


Herbs can restore proper health care by improving the imbalance in the body. In a comprehensive approach like this, herbs are not only aimed to relieve the symptoms you feel, but also improve the health and vitality in general by encouraging the body to work as efficiently as possible.

Approach to healing with herbs in a variety of different aspects to the use of conventional medicine. Herbal medicines is intended to work in the body, gradually improve the balance of the body but does not directly stop the symptoms.

For example, in the case of fever, treatment is usually recommends the use of conventional drugs such as aspirin or paracetamol to lower temperature. However, herbal expert considers that the fever can sometimes be helpful and not harmful. Fever is considered as one of the body's natural defense mechanisms. Many harmful bacteria and viruses can be attenuated expressed even killed when the body temperature is higher than normal temperature. Herbal cleanser that encourages sweating fever is not suppressed. At the same time, fever is treated so as not too high.

Another example, in the case of food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea are considered by experts as the herb effective protection mechanism. The body can quickly remove organisms from the digestive tract dangerous through vomiting and diarrhea.

In contrast to conventional medicine, which will recommend medications to stop diarrhea, herbal medicine aims to control symptoms by recommending drugs that inhibit the absorption of the digestive tract. This is aimed at preventing harmful agents enter and circulate throughout the bloodstream. Just as conventional treatment systems, patients will be encouraged to augment drinking water to avoid dehydration. However, diarrhea and vomiting is not stopped completely.

Herbal intact

Purely medical approach used to identify and separate the active ingredients in daalm plants, then into the form mensitesanya drug formula. However, experts believe the importance of prescribing herbal herbal intact. This is based on the belief that the components in the herbs will balance each other, one can alter the potential harmful effects caused by other parts.

According to herbal expert, described in the site are like womenfitness, herbal intact as whole foods that will never be replaced by vitamins, minerals, or other nutritional supplements. In addition, whole herb is more secure because the stated dose of the active ingredient which will offer lower than the active component which has been isolated and formulated into a form of the drug.

Body at the plant as food and use it efficiently, by absorbing almost all the active and organic components in it to the body's cells. On the other hand, the body does not recognize the synthetic drugs as food and often only use 5-10 percent of its course, and let the rest floating in the bloodstream and cause side effects.