Reiki helps depression

Hello to all ...

I hope everyone had one days deliciously sweet chocolate Valentine's Day :-)

As far as this week we had sunshine and dry weather Crisp ... participate comfortably on foot. It's nice to get outside and enjoy the sun on the skin and the retina of the eye. Tuesday we toured the cliffs St.Abbs again and it was a positive climate in the summer :-) I was so long robe with a hat, coat, scarf and gloves and a large terrace is almost woolly steam ... ha ha ha!

It was a "good to be alive" typical day :-) Many schools are on holiday for a week, which is now much more on the rise. Louise wool shop was a thriving trade in tea in the afternoon when we arrived :-)

I do not believe what the doctors say, the sun is bad for you. And here in the Scottish border of England is not exactly an overdose ... ha ha ha! It's good to get some sun on your crown chakra and to absorb the goodness only.

Well - I always talk about change and the changes that occur that all tell me what happens to you, but ...

Many people find that change and energy Clearout change a bit overwhelming and depressing. If they are physical, such as colds and conditions of the breast or emotional pick-me-up after a break or division. So I thought I'd answer a question depressing for you :-)

But first, a little something ...

... Risk

Laughter is the risk appears the fool.

Weep is to reduce the risk seems sentimental.

To a different approach to risk involvement.

Exposed to feelings is to risk expose our true selves.

To share your ideas, your dreams before the mass to avoid the loss risk.

Love is not to be loved the risk.

To live, is the risk of dying.

The hope is to risk despair.

To treat everyone is ready to fail.

But the risk we must, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.

The man, a woman who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing is nothing.

Author unknown.

Today, many people are against the wall with the financial pressures are, etc., after the collapse of Christmas, then there are cracks in the relationship with people like Valentine's Day :-( It also deals with subjects if you are using Reiki to a constant level keep - like, just for today ... Prayer Just for today have a roof over their heads, food on the table and enough money to read with an electrical device and :-)

It is a starting point from which we can build - and build our confidence as well. The "mistakes" than we do, the better we can adapt our lives and we should adapt in order.

Well then ... Asked this week ...

I was very sad and depressed for many years! I have been a number of psychologists and other therapists, and even have several classes of antidepressants, but not in a position to have solved my problems (now I feel these solutions were simply "Band Aid", the real problem!).

Nevertheless, as in driving sadness and depression. I think I can do it with a kind of energy inside, which is of course not treated by the therapist to do in California treated. I truly believe that we are spiritual beings in physical bodies are caught, of course, the spirit of care needs.

What is the best way to treat depression?

I know that it is likely that many different things can be tried, but I seek his professional advice, as they are in the field of energy work.

Thank you for your time and attention. I am waiting for your reply.



Well the answer ...

Hello R.M.

Here are some general ideas for depression, but if you do not want me to speak loudly (and sometimes called "French" is, so to speak), here :-)

Where is "depressed", which is exactly what you do is ... depressing suppress and destroy himself before others. Out of fear or panic, or others not under the control of the threshold of death ... Oppression ... ha, ha, ha!

In fact, you said ... I like looking death in life.

But fear of death ... You are so by the fear that they are afraid to consume something to do. But what are you doing out of great fear?

His aggressiveness? That, when placed in the same / deleted, it creates guilt and pain. Self-aggression leads to suicide ... But who does really kill?

Depression is also the ultimate cop-out. A good way to avoid responsibility. Do not take any action or exercise. The excuses flow like the Ganges, the idea of "doing" something constructive ...

Movement, change, usability and communication ... These are questions to avoid the fear and ... But these issues are things that we call life ...

She is angry, the b ****** s **** ... Let's Live a little! ... I double dare you to dare to be just you. Be the best you can now. And as my mother used to say ... "There is no word that can not love her any more ..."

Life is a gift to yourself ... If you do not like change, modify, adapt, or termination. What ever you choose as the place for you now ... You agree. Judge not.

Accept the ideas ...

I'm sure have raised some of them, but no help ...

No bread :-)

Yes ... his fall, and certainly makes you feel sluggish and slow.

Increased heart rate during training ... run, jump, run more - with the dog or no dog!

As a physically active is an advantage. I can hear the groans from here :-) 'Action' of whatever kind, is a destroyer of the Great Depression, but it is difficult to figure out the ass when you sit :-)

To eat at least 3 bananas a day to lift the mood ... with a chemical that promotes the formation of serotonin in the brain.

To help others, also ... on the other side of the road, if necessary! Takes your distract your problems when you can hire someone else at another time :-) And while you're "busy," the world to work in their favor, without intervening.

But one of the best things that depression is overcome laughter. Try 10 minutes each morning, laughing meditation. Do not kid ...

You need the strength to cry on, but then you feel so stupid that you laugh :-)

In reality, created by ... Never lose your sense of humor. There is always a humorous side of things. If you laugh back in 6 months and laugh, then you can now can.

Believe me, your story of "the dark night of the soul is" absolutely ... Of course, the way Tell 'Em ...

Chin-up ...

If you are a little more about depression in the chat, click on the link to my previous article on this subject to read.

Click here to View

This product can be found on our website.

Another trick is to draw small shoe insoles with Reiki Tibetan Master symbol on them. This will help you confidently step.

Good thing it this week, but before you go - remember, if you want a glimpse into your future, do I have personal readings, psychic energy can and all details can be found here

Well, I know, a delicious lunch on Sunday will put a smile on my face :-) share

For example, all have a nice day - and in May the sun in your life and in your face.

:-) Great chuffin "



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