increasing standard of living of today's urban society

With the increasing standard of living of today's urban society, increasing the value of his life. Instant-paced life because of the limited time available, the activities of their daily lives, including one current trend is to consume foods that tend to instant high-fat, low fiber and the use of additive materials such as flavor, artificial sweeteners and food preservatives.

There's nothing wrong with this instant all of life. The effect was instant distorted input becomes less healthy foods because of the high-fat, less fiber and the additive substances.

Additive substances suspected to be a trigger various types of illnesses suffered by today's society. Fortunately, today's society began to realize the importance of maintaining food intake in order to maintain their health, by eating healthy foods and reduce the addition of additive substances.

Included also in the world of medicine. With increasingly expensive to live now that impact directly to the expensive medical treatment and the principles BACK to NATURE, the Herbal Medicine become a choice.

Especially with dikuatkannya benefits of this herbal medicine from the health world. In a seminar, one speaker was dr. Amarullah Siregar, DiHom., DNMed., M. Sc, PhD., He stated that "... .. The search is not to cure but to heal. Drugs made from chemicals used do not provide total relief for only repair a few body system functions. In contrast, traditional herbal remedies have the ability to improve the overall system of the body, because it works within the scope of cell and molecular .... "(Seminar Herbal Update, 26/08/2006).

From the snippets of information on herbal medicine concluded that not only treat the sick part of the body, but to improve the system that causes the body's pain so that the body was recovered, without removing the affected part.

An example is diabetes mellitus in the medical world that can not be cured, with herbal medicine can cure it.

Most of God who created the universe, not only beautiful to live, soothing the eyes, but also provide healing for the sick.

A reflection for the people who think ... ....


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